Our story

Inspired by a wash-out wedding day in October 2018, Rain Check started as a lockdown side project collaboration between two friends. Since then, Rain Check has progressed into a powerful weather API engine that is simple to integrate with and inexpensive to use.

Our pricing

We offer flexible pricing depending on your business requirements. We currently have an early adopter offer of £50 a month for unlimited API calls, fixed for 12 months, and work with a select number of priority partners to customise endpoints to specific business needs.

Our partners

We look to work with businesses who are leaders in their sector. Get in touch with us to find out how our API can help differentiate your offering. We are proud that Rain Check UK has been awarded multiple awards in 2022 for our innovation in the industry.


Our growing list of awards for our innovative weather engine

Our data in action

See how our API can improve your site through our sister site raincheck.wedding

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Find a Date

If you don’t have a specific date in mind, but you have narrowed down your preferred venue to a few choices, you can use Find a Date to generate the best options for temperature, sunshine, or rainfall. This is the quickest way to find the best day for your event.

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Check a Date

If you already have a date in mind, use Check a Date to make sure you are prepared for what might happen. Need to bulk buy factor 50 sunscreen, or design 100 custom couple umbrellas for your guests? Check a Date takes the guesswork out.